Copying course history from a transcript to eSchool
Modified on: Wed, 6 Jun, 2018 at 3:23 PM
Search for a student record

- Click on 'students'
- Limit search to find students
- Search for a student
- Click on a student's name to view their record.
- If this student is a student from your school, the student record/transcript will appear.
- If you are viewing a student that is not in your school, you will receive a FERPA Agreement message before accessing the record. If you intend to officially request the transcript, click “Request Transcript” and the record will appear.
Refresh Student Information from eSchool

- Once the student is enrolled in eSchool click the refresh button below the 'student information' section
- This will update the student's location, local ID, DOB and the name on Triand without having to wait for the nightly connection
View the Record and Select Courses to Copy

- Click the checkboxes next to the courses in gray you wish to copy from the transcript to eSchool
- Click the 'Copy selected history' button
Copy Courses from the Transcript to eSchool

- The courses on the left column are the ones you chose to copy.
- The boxes in the right column will show all matching unique course names and course codes found in the current district if you click the down arrow. From the drop-down menu choose the course you wish to use and make necessary edits.
- When done, click the 'Copy selected courses' button to copy courses to eSchool.
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